Want to work less, make more, and do it all by spending as little as five dollars per hour? Great! You’ll need to know how to hire a virtual assistant for real estate investing. Doing so can free up hours (or even day...
Looking to be a better investor in 2024? A few simple adjustments could help your money work much harder for you this year, and our hosts are here to lend a hand!
In part three of our four-part money tips series to...
Want to grab the best real estate deals before the rest? The properties with motivated sellers, high-profit potential, equity upside, and BIG cash flow—the real estate deals that every investor dreams about getting. W...
Location, location, location! On today’s show, Brandon and David sit down with Robert Jones, a real estate agent and investor in Colorado, who has built a cash-flowing portfolio with millions of dollars in equity in a...
Tommy Christy has bought more homes than most investors you know combined. While he didn’t have to put up his own money to close on the deals, he did go through the process of lead generating, offering, auctioning, an...
Switching jobs is a HUGE career decision that impacts not only your finances but also your schedule, quality of life, and more. When is changing jobs the right move, and what are the different factors at play? Today, ...
Making $71,000 per year from ONE rental property is a huge feat for any real estate investor, but it’s even more impressive when you’ve had to work your way from the very bottom. Although today’s guest had to overcome...
What makes a good real estate market? A stable or growing population, large employers nearby, tourism, and, as a bonus, college-educated residents. Put those all together, and you’ve just stumbled upon your next great...
Everyone wants to reach financial independence as soon as possible. But if you really want to get on the path to early FI, you’ve got to start making savvy money decisions TODAY. And we’ve got a few tips, tricks, and ...
2024 may be long gone, but it’s NOT too late to lower your taxes for the previous year. If you have real estate or retirement accounts, you already hold the key to minimizing your taxable income and owing less to Uncl...