Rent-to-own real estate can make you more cash flow, with less risk and fewer expenses, all while helping tenants become homeowners. But if it’s so good, why isn’t everyone doing it? Simply put, most investors have no...
The key to financial freedom? Work as a pizza delivery driver! Not only will you learn how to handle high-pressure situations, but you might also find your next property on a regular pizza run! At least that’s what Pa...
Many real estate syndications are facing absolute failure in 2023. But, even if you aren’t investing in any, this could be a learning experience like no other to help you build your wealth in the future. If you’ve nev...
Student housing investments can make you killer cash flow. If you invest in college towns, students will pay a premium to be close to campus and won’t mind living in a property with three, four, or five other roommate...
Did you know that a certain shade of paint can help you sell your home for more? Or that one type of countertop could cause buyers to get into a bidding war over your house? What about the one inexpensive outdoor impr...
Buying a business? Maybe you’ve thought about it before. You could own a laundromat, self-storage facility, plumbing business, or landscaping service. It doesn’t sound glamorous, but these types of businesses can make...
Want to retire early? Real estate investing might be your best bet. Looking to boost your cash flow and expand your real estate portfolio, too? In today’s show, we’re sharing how to use home equity to build wealth the...
Today’s guest makes up to $100,000 per year, PER investment, by buying businesses. Yep, you heard that right. We’re not talking about a few hundred bucks a month in cash flow like most rental properties get you. Inste...
Want to make money in real estate investing, EVEN during 2024’s harsh housing market? It’s easier than you might think—and we’ve got the proof. We brought expert investors Ashley Kehr and Henry Washington on to the sh...
Are new construction homes a good investment right now? Well, that depends. If you want a lower price for a property in a better condition, with a lower mortgage rate and the ability to charge more rent, then new cons...