Could real estate investing help you reach financial freedom much sooner than you thought possible? Today’s guest had his world turned upside down by one tragic incident, but he was able to quit his W2 job, pivot to r...
Want to work less, make more, and do it all by spending as little as five dollars per hour? Great! You’ll need to know how to hire a virtual assistant for real estate investing. Doing so can free up hours (or even day...
Would your life be positively impacted by owning over 400 rental units? What if you could get there in under four years? On today’s show, we interview BiggerPockets contributor Sterling White, who has managed to do ju...
Want to know how to start an LLC for real estate? Whether you’re looking to form investing partnerships or avoid being sued, creating an LLC is one way to protect your personal name and assets. With that said, there a...
With doomsday headlines and lagging consumer confidence, how should you proceed in 2024? Time to get the advice of TWO senior economists! BiggerPockets’ Dave Meyer talks with ZILLOW’s Orphe Divounguy and REDFIN’s Chen...
Got debt to pay off? You might relate to Leo, a personal finance journalist who’s focused on financial stability over FIRE—at least for now. With six figures in student loans and credit card debt, Leo found themselves...
If you want to reach financial freedom, knowing how to save money is crucial. Today, Mindy and Kyle deliver some special tips that will help you save on housing, food, travel, and other common money categories in 2024...
Renting vs. buying a house: when it comes to FIRE, many people assume that you must own a home and preferably have it paid off to reach financial freedom. But is this really true? With renting so much cheaper than buy...
Building wealth, saving money, getting rich—it’s much more straightforward than most people think. You don’t need to be a financial expert or millionaire to know what you should do with your money. But if you’ve found...
Keleisha Carter built a $5K/month passive income stream as a new immigrant with NO green card, money, or ability to get a mortgage. After realizing that her corporate job in Jamaica wouldn’t lead her to where she want...