Personal finance doesn’t have to be complicated. Saving, investing, and retiring early shouldn’t be a stumbling path to wealth, but many Americans feel this way. So, to clear up some of the money misconceptions, we’re...
Real estate is a business, but we often don’t think of it that way. A single-family home here, a duplex there, at the end of the day we’re just landlords, right?
What if some large corporation or outside buyer wan...
Are you leaving cash flow on the table? Even if you own a single rental property, there are all kinds of strategies you can use to generate more rental income, whether it’s house hacking, renting by the room, or conve...
Are you looking to grow your real estate portfolio and build wealth faster? There’s a tax “loophole” that allows you to sell your property and roll your equity (and profits) into a bigger and better rental property—al...
Sergio Altomare didn’t start out investing in self storage. He made a massive leap, making lots of mistakes along the way until he found this gold mine of an asset class. For years, Sergio was buying small multifamily...
DON’T sell your low-cash flow rental property just yet—you could make it a cash cow with one quick strategy switch. At least that’s Rob Abasolo’s advice as he joins David this Sunday for a Seeing Greene episode, where...
Will the housing market crash? If you’re like most Americans, the economy is starting to feel a bit unsettling. But, with so many homeowners locked into low mortgage rates or owning their homes outright, is there even...
Which home renovations will boost your property’s value and put you in a better position to sell? Or, if you’re not selling, how do you rake in even more equity during a hot housing market? If you have some time, a bi...
Should you use a HELOC to buy investment property? Would we use home equity to retire? When is it time to sell a performing property and exchange it for a more expensive one? If you’ve got home equity, this episode co...
Everyone knows how to find a real estate agent. But an investor-friendly agent—one who will find deals for you, run the numbers, hook you up with contractors, and help you get funding—isn’t the same as your neighborho...