In today's episode we open up the phone lines again to field your real estate investing questions... and for an added twist, we bring in the familiar voice of author, BiggerPockets Business Podcast host, and house fli...
Are high interest rates and large down payments stopping you from investing in real estate? If so, creative finance might be precisely what you need. It’s what today’s guest, Ankit Lodha, used to go from zero rental p...
How can you use your retirement accounts to reach FIRE faster? We’ve talked a lot about the “middle-class trap”—having too much of your net worth trapped in your retirement accounts and home equity—and we may have the...
These three real estate investing tools can make you more money in less time and with less effort than ever. Just ask Mark Simpson from Boostly; he used just one of these tools to bring in over six figures in sales, s...
Want to work less, make more, and do it all by spending as little as five dollars per hour? Great! You’ll need to know how to hire a virtual assistant for real estate investing. Doing so can free up hours (or even day...
Today's episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast is a little different than normal - in a great way. To celebrate the 40th episode of the Podcast, Brandon and Josh spend an hour sharing their top forty tips for buying you...
Should you invest in real estate or stocks in 2025? What if you DON’T have to choose? Today, we’ll share how you can have the best of both worlds with strategies you’ve probably never heard about!
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Have you ever been in a conversation where someone has had to ask you to repeat something multiple times? It’s frustrating when you’re trying to tell someone something and they just won’t listen, but what about all th...
Real estate investing is about more than just making money in the here and now – it’s also about setting up your future for a solid retirement with minimal hassel and maximum wealth. However, planning for that time in...
This assistant principal slowly and steadily used home equity to invest, helping him acquire seven properties in just over ten years. These properties have now seen sizable appreciation, and he has hundreds of thousan...