Student loan debt can easily get in the way of financial independence, especially if there’s a high interest rate attached to your loans. But should you pay down this debt at the expense of investing for the future? T...
Pay off your mortgage or invest? If you’re on the path to FIRE, you’ve probably asked yourself this question. Without a mortgage payment, you could put thousands more in your pocket every month, and your FIRE number w...
Can your mistakes make you a millionaire? If you’re like Craig Curelop and learn from what went wrong, then yes! Craig is now financially free, with millions of dollars in equity, thousands in monthly cash flow, and a...
Should you keep, refinance, or sell your rental property? If you’re sitting on a low mortgage rate and plenty of equity, you’ve probably asked yourself this once or twice within the past year. Most people who bought a...
Dave said he’d never flip a house. He doesn’t have the handyman skills; he doesn’t like managing contractors, and he can’t design a floor plan. So why now, coming into 2025, has he decided to flip his first house? It’...
Home renovations can substantially increase your equity and cash flow on a rental property, but when doing one, there are two key things you need to pay attention to: budgets and timelines. Today, rookie real estate i...
Are there “clues” that point to phenomenal real estate investing areas? We mean the areas nobody knew about until it was too late. The neighborhoods that seem to jump in price overnight, and everyone ends up saying, “...
Nasty Gal went from an eBay side hustle to a business doing $100M in sales in under a decade. Behind it was the most famous “Girlboss” in America, Sophia Amoruso. She had no business experience, management training, l...
How do you turn a TINY side hustle into a full-on income stream? Even more, how do you make your side hustle a multimillion-dollar business that employs dozens of people and gives you the financial freedom to do what ...
Could the end of real estate investing already be upon us? How do you know how much to spend on a renovation before buying a house? And is a negative cash flow rental EVER worth investing in? On this Seeing Greene, we...