Are you working towards FIRE or building a financial legacy? Then DON’T skip this episode! What’s the point of creating generational wealth if it will be lost after you’re gone? Jenny Rozelle, estate and elder attorne...
Redfin just released their highly-anticipated 2025 housing market forecast, and today, we’re reacting to each of their ten crucial housing market predictions. We’re touching on the exact numbers you want to hear about...
Wedding costs have been slowly growing over the past few decades. But recently, after a wild 2020, 2021, and 2022 wedding season, the average wedding cost has hit heights that most Americans simply can’t afford. But w...
Only have $100 – $5,000 but want to know how to invest it wisely? No amount is too small to start building smart money habits today. While some asset classes may not be viable for you just yet, there are still all kin...
Learning high-income skills can help you make money online—and a LOT of it! Just ask today’s guest, who worked not one but SEVEN internships to develop professional skills that would help her launch several successful...
Before you buy your first rental property, you’ll need to choose a real estate market. If you’re like many Americans, your own backyard may not offer what you want out of an investing area. So, where do you go to find...
Are you beating the average American in personal finances? Today, we’re sharing the average net worth by age to see where exactly you stack up. Whether you’re in your twenties, thirties, forties, or fifties, we have t...
No one knows where the real estate market is headed next... but with an estimated 30 million Americans out of work, wouldn't you like to know how to buy foreclosed properties, step-by-step?
That's what you'll learn...
Vivian Tu, AKA “Your Rich BFF,” is the internet’s expert on money and personal finance. She was doing schoolyard trades before she worked on Wall Street, and now, as the host of Networth and Chill, she talks about the...
If you take these three steps, you’ll reach financial freedom. There are no gimmicks, courses to buy, or get-rich-quick schemes. This three-step, repeatable blueprint to building wealth has been time-tested by some of...