Anyone can buy rentals, whether you have some money to deploy or very little to your name. With seemingly everything working against her, today’s guest managed to buy not one, not two, but THREE properties to support ...
Would you move abroad to reach FI faster? That wasn’t Brooklin Nash’s original goal when he left the US and began freelancing from afar. But now, years later, he realizes how much of a leg up he has financially by goi...
There’s a “middle-class trap” that can keep anyone from FIRE—yes, even high-income earners. Today’s guest has a sizable nest egg that should allow her to retire early, but there are a few roadblocks in her way!
At ...
Are you worried you won’t be able to retire at sixty-five? Feeling financially limited in your fifties and need a retirement plan so you can finally stop working? Well, we made this episode just for you. Today, we’re ...
There is an easier way to invest in real estate in 2025. It doesn’t require a ton of money or experience; anyone can do it (even a complete beginner), and it’ll lead to you having more money, more passive income, and ...
Is a 100% index fund portfolio no longer the FIRE formula? The market has changed, and maybe your portfolio allocation needs to change with it. With index funds at all-time-high prices and price-to-earnings ratios at ...
How has Scott achieved so much financial success already in his early 30s? He’s got a secret weapon nobody else has: Virginia Trench! That’s right, the woman behind half of the puns you hear on this podcast is coming ...
Does it ever seem like working overtime is a competition? We often see people bragging about how they work 60 hour weeks, work on weekends, or spend the most time at the office or in front of their computer. Does this...
Many, many people give up on real estate after just one bad deal, one bad tenant, or one bad flip. But what if you lost all you had from real estate deals, would you still be willing to bet on real estate? What if you...
“How do I get my spouse/partner on board with my real estate investing goals?”
It’s the perfect time of year to think through exactly how to do that, and we have the perfect guests to offer some advice.
Jay and ...