You did it; you achieved FIRE! After over a decade of hard work, you’ve reached financial independence and can retire early. You’re making more money than you spend from passive income, work-optional, and life is good...
A small real estate portfolio that replaces your entire W2 income!? Many rookies assume that becoming a full-time investor is only possible after amassing a large portfolio with dozens of properties, but that’s not th...
Without asset protection, your wealth is as good as gone. One slip and fall from a tenant, one angry ex-spouse, one jealous onlooker, and you could have your real estate relinquished and your bank accounts drained. An...
Can your mistakes make you a millionaire? If you’re like Craig Curelop and learn from what went wrong, then yes! Craig is now financially free, with millions of dollars in equity, thousands in monthly cash flow, and a...
One rental property could give you a little cash flow, but if you want to reach financial freedom, quit your nine-to-five, and even retire early, you’ll need to scale your real estate portfolio. This might seem like a...
If you want to make money online in 2024, good news: it’s easier than ever! Just ask today’s guest, who had to bootstrap his online business before you could launch a business with little to no startup costs. If you h...
Added home renovation costs can ruin your plans to own the perfect rental property. When this happens, how do you come up with the extra funds? More importantly, how do you prevent this from happening altogether? We’v...
Do you have a cash flow problem? Maybe property management fees are setting you back, or you’re spending too much on repairs and maintenance. Today, we’re bringing you a powerful solution that will not only solve your...
Financial fear is… a good thing!? Fear is an uncomfortable feeling we often try to ignore or suppress. But what if, like other emotions, it exists for a specific purpose? What if following it could help you avoid deat...
What does it mean to “win” financially in your income bracket? To us, the end goal is always FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early), and if you’re chasing financial freedom, this is the show for you. We’re breaki...