Most people pursuing financial independence own businesses or have stable jobs, working as hard as they can to make any extra dollar, throwing their money into the stock market or real estate, and betting on the econo...
Want to learn how to create generational wealth? You know, the type of wealth that your children’s children’s children’s children can rely on. The type of wealth that allows your family to live a life of financial fre...
Fannie Mae is predicting a serious change in the multifamily real estate market. Ever since interest rates began to rise, multifamily has been on a downward spiral. Higher rates made profits fall, and as a result, buy...
Building a real estate business is one of the best ways to unlock financial freedom, but that’s not to say that every strategy is the right fit for you. Today’s guest had to strike out multiple times before arriving a...
Whether you know it or not, “shrinkflation” is costing you. You’re paying more for less, as manufacturers boast record profits. Your paycheck is getting eaten away faster and faster every month, but you’re left with t...
Want to know how to invest in real estate with NO money down? Or, maybe you’ve got a bit of cash in the bank and think now is the time to get into the real estate investing game. No matter where you’re at or how much ...
Could real estate investing help you reach financial freedom much sooner than you thought possible? Today’s guest had his world turned upside down by one tragic incident, but he was able to quit his W2 job, pivot to r...
Real estate investing and contracting go hand in hand, but not many investors are bold enough to tackle their own home renovations. Today’s guest is, however, and he’s about to show you the business model he uses to c...
Could Coast FI be your BEST path to financial independence? Maybe you don’t want to retire early—not yet, at least. Hustle for a few years, invest your money, and watch it snowball instead! This twenty-four-year-old s...
Got a late start on your retirement planning? Do you feel like you missed the boat and won’t be able to retire on your timeline? We’ve got good news for you in today’s episode—it’s never too late for retirement (and e...