Fannie Mae is predicting a serious change in the multifamily real estate market. Ever since interest rates began to rise, multifamily has been on a downward spiral. Higher rates made profits fall, and as a result, buy...
Every investor would love some extra cash flow…but at what cost? Does it make sense to go all in on a large down payment so that more money trickles in each month? If you want minimal debt, have no plans to scale, and...
In this episode, we’re sharing two of the real estate markets we’re investing in NOW. One you may have heard of and one you probably haven’t. Both have strong long-term fundamentals, a sizable renter population, and m...
New to real estate investing? In the beginning, you’re drowning in recommendations of where to invest in real estate, especially in 2024. Everyone is shouting different markets at you, “Cleveland! Tampa! Cincinnati!” ...
Can you start investing in real estate WITHOUT a stable W2 job? How will you get a loan? What happens if you have a fluctuating income? Are you completely out of luck? Not at all! Today’s guest, David Sladewski, prove...
This rookie has grown his real estate portfolio to seven properties, $5,000 in monthly cash flow, and over $1 million in total equity in just SIX years. His strategy isn’t flashy or sexy, but it’s highly repeatable. E...
Do we focus too much on just one type of wealth? What if the key to a happy life isn’t retiring early, ascending the corporate ladder, or having more money than you know what to do with? Serial entrepreneur Sahil Bloo...
Imagine making $1,500,000 on one regular real estate deal. We’re not talking about a huge apartment complex or commercial real estate investment. $1,500,000 on a single-family home purchase. How is that even possible?...
“Should I sell my rental property in 2023?” If you own investment property, you’ve probably asked yourself this numerous times over the past ten months. Prices are high, inventory is low, and your appreciated property...
Want to reach FIRE long before you’re sixty-five? If you make a decent income, invest diligently, and watch your spending, you STILL could fall into the “trap” most FIRE-chasers find themselves in. By making one BIG m...