Reaching financial independence and becoming a millionaire before the age of thirty?! While this path requires several years of ruthless saving, smart investing, and unwavering discipline, there’s no reason why YOU ca...
Should you pay off student loans or invest in real estate? This is the question Tom Keating had to ask himself back in 2018. At the time, he had no real estate investing experience and only picked up The Book on Renta...
In this episode, we’re sharing two of the real estate markets we’re investing in NOW. One you may have heard of and one you probably haven’t. Both have strong long-term fundamentals, a sizable renter population, and m...
Are we in a recession? Are we headed for a recession? No one knows for certain, but you can never be too prepared for an economic downturn. Are you saving money? Do you have a plan in the event you lose your job? In t...
You can take your time to reach financial independence, but why wait? With a combination of hard work, savvy investing, and additional income streams, today’s guest reached FI by the age of twenty-eight. In this episo...
Anyone can get into real estate investing. Seriously, anyone! With today’s high interest rates, it may be more difficult to find a rental property that cash flows, but even if you’re in a white-hot real estate market ...
New to real estate investing? In the beginning, you’re drowning in recommendations of where to invest in real estate, especially in 2024. Everyone is shouting different markets at you, “Cleveland! Tampa! Cincinnati!” ...
Deal analysis is an essential tool in the investor’s toolkit and maybe the most crucial skill for breaking into real estate investing. Have you ever wondered how other investors can find a rental property, run the num...
Are high interest rates and large down payments stopping you from investing in real estate? If so, creative finance might be precisely what you need. It’s what today’s guest, Ankit Lodha, used to go from zero rental p...
Young, old, or in between, you need to hear this episode! Today’s guest paid off over $80,000 of debt, grew her net worth to $100,000 and did it all just years after graduating from college without a sky-high income. ...