2024 may be long gone, but it’s NOT too late to lower your taxes for the previous year. If you have real estate or retirement accounts, you already hold the key to minimizing your taxable income and owing less to Uncl...
Early retirement is possible for almost anyone, no matter where you start or how much you make. If you can sacrifice and save more than you spend, there’s a good chance you could retire years or even decades earlier t...
Want to know how to use your home equity to buy your next rental? You could be sitting on tens of thousands in potential funds that’ll make saving for the down payment MUCH easier. But first, you’ll need to know how m...
Want financial freedom? We’re not talking about buying yachts, private planes, or million-dollar sports cars. We mean REAL financial freedom. The freedom that lets you work where you want, when you want, and spend tim...
First-time home buyer? After this episode, you’ll see the house-hunting process in an entirely new light. Throw out the granite countertops and exposed beams you’ve always dreamed of because making an emotion-first ho...
Want to buy your first investment property? You DON’T need twenty percent down sitting in your bank account. We know; everyone has told you that you need a massive down payment before you buy a property. But did you k...
Terrified of running out of money in retirement? Countless people share the same fear. With so much recent discourse surrounding inflation and a looming recession, you may have a tighter grip on your money than usual....
Is your market worth buying in? With the economy on shaky footing, now ISN’T the time to guess. And once you find your investing area, how do you ensure your rental property will profit? Even in 2023, when cash flow i...
Once the housing market started to slide in 2007, smart investors began buying, and waiting, for rock-bottom prices to kick in. Investors were buying homes in some of the best markets for dimes on the dollar, and have...
Most people take YEARS to buy their first rental property, but most people aren’t Jenni Vega. Instead of waiting, Jenni bought seven rentals in just three years, with almost unbelievable cash flow on each using what s...