Want to know how to make millions WITHOUT owning real estate? Rental arbitrage is the strategy for you. And maybe you’ve heard about it before, but we promise you’ve never heard anything like this. Today’s guest is br...
Got a late start on your retirement planning? Do you feel like you missed the boat and won’t be able to retire on your timeline? We’ve got good news for you in today’s episode—it’s never too late for retirement (and e...
The rental market could finally be returning to stability after a wild past four years. Since 2020, we’ve seen rent prices skyrocket almost overnight, with huge asking price increases for single-family homes, multifam...
Reaching financial independence and becoming a millionaire before the age of thirty?! While this path requires several years of ruthless saving, smart investing, and unwavering discipline, there’s no reason why YOU ca...
You can take your time to reach financial independence, but why wait? With a combination of hard work, savvy investing, and additional income streams, today’s guest reached FI by the age of twenty-eight. In this episo...
Small multifamily real estate investing could be your quickest path to financial freedom. These properties, from duplexes to quadplexes, typically offer higher cash flow and scaling opportunities than traditional sing...
Anyone can get into real estate investing. Seriously, anyone! With today’s high interest rates, it may be more difficult to find a rental property that cash flows, but even if you’re in a white-hot real estate market ...
New to real estate investing? In the beginning, you’re drowning in recommendations of where to invest in real estate, especially in 2024. Everyone is shouting different markets at you, “Cleveland! Tampa! Cincinnati!” ...
Deal analysis is an essential tool in the investor’s toolkit and maybe the most crucial skill for breaking into real estate investing. Have you ever wondered how other investors can find a rental property, run the num...
From bankruptcy to financial freedom in just ten years?! Today’s guest is living proof that past money mistakes don’t disqualify you from building wealth with real estate. Whether you’re neck-deep in debt or strugglin...