Huge cash flow after selling most of your real estate portfolio!? Many rookies assume that having more doors equates to more profit, but that’s not always the case. The truth is, if you start identifying the best inve...
Brandon Turner is back! That’s right, live from the Sea Shed are your beloved BiggerPockets hosts, Brandon and David! Can you feel the bromance brewing through your speakers, or is it just us? David flew out to attend...
The last time Ramit Sethi was on the show, tears were shed, money fears were exposed, and Mindy was forced to take a hard look at her financial habits. Now, Ramit is back, as we revisit some of the critical moments of...
Foreclosure can be a sensitive topic. After the embarrassment of falling behind on payments, there’s the fear of losing your home and having no place to live. Rather than preying on someone who feels helpless, there a...
Just six years ago, Corey Kent was a broke college graduate, renting out half of a room to save money, eating the same meal every day of the week. His dream was to make a living as a musician without selling out. Now,...
Financial trauma is an extremely common roadblock on the journey to financial freedom. In fact, most people deal with this issue on some level, even if they aren’t aware of it. Whether your trauma patterns stem from y...
You want to retire, but you’ve got credit debt, auto loans, and student loans. It feels like every time you get your paycheck, it quickly slips away, and at the end of every month, you’re left in the same position, or...
If you haven’t started your retirement planning yet, you’re not out of luck. Whether you’re in your twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, or sixties, there’s still time to get enough into your accounts so you can walk...
If there’s anyone who knows how to get rid of squatters, it’s Leka Devatha. Right before MCing the biggest real estate event of the year, BPCon 2023, Leka got a phone call from her property manager with the words no i...
If you want to reach early retirement, especially in your thirties, you’ll need to take some big risks. Today’s guest turned down what would have been a dream salary to many people, choosing to work for himself while ...