Don’t have the capital OR credit to invest? Seller financing is a powerful tool that could allow you to score multiple real estate deals without ever going through a bank. The best part? You can create your own terms!...
Ready to grow your real estate business in 2024? With another year in the rearview, it’s time to start dreaming of what your business could become in the next twelve months. Whatever success looks like to you, it star...
Out-of-state real estate investing is making a comeback, becoming one of the best investing strategies of 2025. Why? Home prices in most coastal markets have exploded, forcing investors in pricey areas to look elsewhe...
Let’s face it—property management fees aren’t cheap. While you may need to hire a property manager if you’re investing out of state or are unable to self-manage your property, these costs can quickly eat into your pro...
Are you a little tired of hearing about all the “successes” of real estate investors and wondering how realistic this is in the real world? Well, on today’s show, Brandon and David share the 10 biggest mistakes they’v...
Many people call themselves “entrepreneurs” nowadays. Essentially, anyone who can make some kind of income on their own is an entrepreneur, but there is a big difference between an entrepreneur and a business owner. W...
Today we have the man Brandon credits with helping him "go big" in business and life: his performance coach, Jason Drees. In fact, Jason works with a bunch of real estate investors... and today he shares tool...
Long-distance investing may sound like an impossible feat to achieve for many investors. What if something goes wrong in the house? What if something needs fixing? What if there are problems with tenants? As today’s g...
Ever wonder how your family would manage if you or your spouse lost your job? Emma Powell faced that reality head-on. She knew she needed "full-time income" while continuing to spend time with her family... and she kn...
Closing off-market deals is one of the best ways to start stacking your real estate portfolio, especially while the housing market is so hot. But, off-market deals often require cold-calling, which is something that m...