You can attack financial independence from one of two angles. You can create a strict timeline for achieving FIRE, or you can calculate your FIRE number and take your time with it. Which approach works best, and shoul...
Real estate investing is great…sometimes. Other times, it’s NOT fun to be a real estate investor. While the pros, like financial freedom, generational wealth, and passive income definitely outweigh the cons, there are...
Are you beating the average American in personal finances? Today, we’re sharing the average net worth by age to see where exactly you stack up. Whether you’re in your twenties, thirties, forties, or fifties, we have t...
Fixing up a distressed property might be the BEST way to add value, whether you’re looking to flip houses, BRRRR (buy, rehab, rent, refinance, repeat), or charge higher rents. But to avoid losing money, you’ve got to ...
An online side hustle that replaces your $100K salary in year one!? It sounds like an impossible feat, but today’s guest was able to achieve this by launching an unusual ecommerce business—allowing his wife to quit he...
The housing market is an evolving beast that almost no one can accurately map. With so many investors on opposite sides of the fence when it comes to housing market crashes and corrections, it’s nice to hear the thoug...
Profitable on-market properties are all around you, you just need to take the time to look. Oh, we hear what you’re saying, “all those on-market properties are bad deals!” While not all properties sitting on the MLS a...
From panicked newbie with just $1,000 saved to 40 rental units—in two years’ time!
On today’s show, we sit down with Henry Washington, a buy and hold investor from Arkansas who’s built a sizable portfolio while wor...
These three real estate investing tools can make you more money in less time and with less effort than ever. Just ask Mark Simpson from Boostly; he used just one of these tools to bring in over six figures in sales, s...
We know what you want: more profit while working less in your real estate business. As a rookie, investing in real estate can sometimes seem like more trouble than it’s worth. But, a few simple adjustments can take HO...