Should you invest for cash flow or appreciation? Whether you need another income stream today or have one eye set on retirement, you have your own reason for investing in real estate. It’s important to choose an inves...
A property manager can alleviate the burden of screening tenants, collecting rents, and maintaining your property. But if you’re not careful, exorbitant fees and unexpected charges can quickly eat away at your cash fl...
With the right rental properties, you could not only bring in thousands of dollars in cash flow each month but also build long-term wealth. Just ask today’s guest! Despite her fulfilling career, she came to the realiz...
What goes into a commercial real estate deal? You’re about to find out! Fortunately, buying one of these properties isn’t quite the jump from residential real estate as you might expect it to be. Whether you’re a new ...
2013 was a pivotal year for our hosts. Scott was fresh out of college and just beginning his journey to financial independence, while Mindy and her husband were well on their way to FIRE and had just launched their bl...
Choosing where to invest can be overwhelming. With thousands of real estate markets and endless data to wade through, it’s no wonder that so many rookies trip up on this step before they ever get started. Well, we’ve ...
When should you refinance your mortgage? Is now the time since interest rates have finally fallen? Or will refinancing down to today’s rates not be worth it when, six months from now, interest rates could be substanti...
We frequently talk about networking as a real estate investor: for example, talk to your mail carrier because they likely have seen opportunities in your neighborhood. But what if you are the mail carrier?
Today’s ...
Airbnb bans escalate, a “tsunami” could be coming for this real estate niche, and “sinking” cities lead to skyrocketing insurance prices. The housing market changes every week, so we’re here to break down the headline...
Around BiggerPockets, we often encourage newer investors to sit down with an experienced real estate investor to “pick their brain” and soak up their wisdom. Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast, we want to do just that...