t the age of twenty-seven, this “rookie” has already completed over 100 real estate deals. The key to her success? She’s been in real estate since she was just seventeen years old. Seriously! By starting early and tak...
Want to build a thriving real estate business in 2025? There’s a major mindset shift you need to make if you want to be successful in today’s market. Whether you want a couple of cash-flowing rental properties or drea...
Buying a house, maxing out your 401(k), and leveraging real estate can help you achieve financial independence. But suppose your goal is to retire early. Could relying too heavily on these principles actually delay ea...
One of the most repeatable, scalable ways to build a real estate portfolio is using “The Stack” method. This investing strategy allows you to slowly scale your real estate using low-money-down loans, turning one down ...
30 real estate deals in two years, starting with very little money, AND doing it all while working a nine-to-five? After listening to Tim Yu, you’ll have no excuse NOT to invest in real estate. He’s done it all: house...
Don’t have enough funds for real estate deals? Today, there’s no excuse. Beyond strategies that allow you to invest in real estate with no money down, you can always start a profitable side hustle and put the earnings...
Have you ever considered flipping houses for cash but aren’t sure where to start? If so, today’s episode is perfect for you! Brandon and David interview Steven Pesavento, a long distance flipper who’s doing 75 deals a...
Nate Shields and Troy Zimmerman had a straightforward goal: get to one hundred rental units in ten years. Now, near the halfway mark, Nate and Troy have made almost unbelievable progress in a real estate market most i...
Once the housing market started to slide in 2007, smart investors began buying, and waiting, for rock-bottom prices to kick in. Investors were buying homes in some of the best markets for dimes on the dollar, and have...
Most people take YEARS to buy their first rental property, but most people aren’t Jenni Vega. Instead of waiting, Jenni bought seven rentals in just three years, with almost unbelievable cash flow on each using what s...