Multifamily real estate has crashed, but we’re not at the bottom yet. With more debt coming due, expenses rising, incomes falling, and owners feeling desperate, there’s only so much longer that these high multifamily ...
Want to learn how to create generational wealth? You know, the type of wealth that your children’s children’s children’s children can rely on. The type of wealth that allows your family to live a life of financial fre...
The rental market could finally be returning to stability after a wild past four years. Since 2020, we’ve seen rent prices skyrocket almost overnight, with huge asking price increases for single-family homes, multifam...
While short-term rentals are seeing slowing demand, mid-term rentals are taking off (and fast). Mid-term rentals, also called medium-term rentals or MTRs, are thirty-day or longer stays, usually for traveling professi...
Deep in the forest, a secret financial independence summer camp is being held. Multiple times a year, all across the country, millionaires, financial freedom achievers, and those still on or just starting their FIRE j...
Want to replace your nine-to-five? You'll need to know how to buy a business. And while you may think that you need to be some high-level executive or business-building savant, the reality is that TONS of profitable b...
“How do I get my spouse/partner on board with my real estate investing goals?”
It’s the perfect time of year to think through exactly how to do that, and we have the perfect guests to offer some advice.
Jay and ...
Is “subject to” real estate investing a mistake? Why is cash flow SO hard to find? And what do you do when you overpay for a property? With so many ways to build wealth with real estate, you’ll also need to be aware o...
Imagine living in a home where your next-door neighbors are your best friends or family members. We know you’ve thought about it before—starting a compound with all the people you love, everyone helps each other, watc...