Should you pay off student loans or invest in real estate? This is the question Tom Keating had to ask himself back in 2018. At the time, he had no real estate investing experience and only picked up The Book on Renta...
The IRA vs. 401(k). You’ve heard of these retirement accounts before, but do you know the difference between the two? Maybe you have a 401(k) at work and have been diligently getting your employer match but struggle t...
Anything over 100 units tends to scare many investors, especially rookie investors. How do you even get to 100 units when it’s already challenging enough to get one? That answer is simple: stack them slowly over time....
Want to be a millionaire or build a business that brings in seven figures? Want generational wealth and to be debt-free? Want to know that you have enough money to take big risks while still keeping your bank account ...