Once the housing market started to slide in 2007, smart investors began buying, and waiting, for rock-bottom prices to kick in. Investors were buying homes in some of the best markets for dimes on the dollar, and have...
We like to think that we have a lot of winners on the BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast, whether they are in real estate or not. We may have one of the biggest winners on today's show. Tim Grover, trainer to Michael J...
Don’t strive to become rich. Instead, become a “quiet” millionaire like Tae Kim, the “Financial Tortoise.” You’ve seen the flashy cars, fancy champagne, and private jets of the online financial “gurus.” Then, like clo...
In today’s epic show, we interview World Series of Poker bracelet champion Annie Duke. Annie is a nationally sought-after speaker who combines her mastery of poker with a study of the cognitive sciences in a truly uni...
The real estate market is crumbling…or is it? According to experienced investors like Jessie Rodriguez, now is one of the best times in recent memory to start building wealth. As a multi-decade house-flipping veteran,...
Hearing Bryce Stewart’s story may sound familiar to long-time BiggerPockets Podcast listeners. That’s because Bryce was on Episode 276 where he gave the great metaphor “vacuuming out the truck” relating to real estate...
How important is cash flow when analyzing real estate deals? Many rookies zero in on this familiar figure when crunching the numbers, but there’s another metric that is FAR more important: cash-on-cash return. This si...
Amanda Young stumbled into real estate. After being let go from a job, dealing with a family emergency, and homeschooling her son, Amanda knew that she had to find a way to provide for her family, but also allow her t...
Are mortgage points really worth it? In many cases, they can save you money on a loan. But be careful; that lower rate might not be worth the cash you put up! It’s important to run the numbers before doing a mortgage ...
Don’t have the capital OR credit to invest? Seller financing is a powerful tool that could allow you to score multiple real estate deals without ever going through a bank. The best part? You can create your own terms!...