Student loan debt can easily get in the way of financial independence, especially if there’s a high interest rate attached to your loans. But should you pay down this debt at the expense of investing for the future? T...
Rent-to-own real estate can make you more cash flow, with less risk and fewer expenses, all while helping tenants become homeowners. But if it’s so good, why isn’t everyone doing it? Simply put, most investors have no...
The affordable housing crisis is an ongoing challenge here in the United States, but this developer has cracked the code in her own backyard—providing more opportunities for low and median-income households without ge...
What would it take for you to achieve financial freedom? Now, think about what it would take for you to achieve it for your family. Many of us have parents we’ve seen work day in and day out, providing for us when it ...
Most people understand the world of rental properties, house flips, and other common real estate investments. But there is one little-known niche that could provide massive cash flow and profits without the headaches:...
A lot of people make good income from their jobs, but few are able to turn that income into lasting, generational wealth. That’s why we’re super pumped to bring you this interview with professional football player Rya...
From Bangor, Maine to Maui... by providing massive value!
If you’re looking for a mentor, partner, or lender, this episode is for you. You’ll learn how Ryan Murdock went from small-time landlord/property manager to...
Yesterday, Marcus Maloney showed us how he built his deal-finding machine. Today, he tells us how he's hanging onto it by making two big shifts in his business.
When the pandemic hit, lenders got nervous... and tha...
On today's show: the massive impact of just a few flips and a few small multifamily rental properties.
Starting in 2017, that combination allowed our guest Megan Greathouse to step aside from her W-2 job (her husba...
Looking to be a better investor in 2024? A few simple adjustments could help your money work much harder for you this year, and our hosts are here to lend a hand!
In part three of our four-part money tips series to...