The best side hustles can put some extra cash in your pocket, help you leave your W2 job, or even launch you toward FIRE. If you’re looking to make money in ways other than real estate investing, you don’t want to mis...
High interest rates are stopping you from investing, so what do you do? Wondering how to prepare for a recession if one hits soon? Should you sell your rentals and pocket some cash, or will you regret dumping your per...
If you make the right money moves, financial freedom is only a few years away. You can’t spend your entire paycheck on travel, trips, high rent, or entertainment if you want to retire early and have true time freedom....
One couple is building MASSIVE passive income and generational wealth by buying rental properties for zero dollars out of pocket, sometimes with zero percent interest rates. It sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? ...
Want to know how to make millions WITHOUT owning real estate? Rental arbitrage is the strategy for you. And maybe you’ve heard about it before, but we promise you’ve never heard anything like this. Today’s guest is br...
Pay off your mortgage or invest? If you’re on the path to FIRE, you’ve probably asked yourself this question. Without a mortgage payment, you could put thousands more in your pocket every month, and your FIRE number w...
Making a $300,000 profit from ONE rental?! Imagine how quickly you could reach financial freedom by raking in this amount of profit and reinvesting it into your real estate portfolio. There’s an investing strategy tha...
The clock is ticking to tax day, and you could be stuck with a big tax bill. Thankfully, if you own real estate, reducing your taxes is easy. Don’t know which write-offs to take? We brought CPA and real estate investo...
Do NOT buy rental properties. There’s a MUCH better way to build wealth. And we mean that literally, “building” wealth is the best path. At just twenty-seven years old, today's guest has built twenty-five homes, often...
Is “subject to” real estate investing a mistake? Why is cash flow SO hard to find? And what do you do when you overpay for a property? With so many ways to build wealth with real estate, you’ll also need to be aware o...