Not quite ready to invest in real estate? Maybe you’re still getting your finances in check or saving for a bigger down payment. In any case, don’t sit on your hands! While you wait, there are plenty of things you can...
We all reach a point of complacency. We tell ourselves that we’ve done enough, it’s too hard to go further, or we don’t have enough experience, money, or time to accomplish the goals that seem impossible. Brandon Turn...
Around BiggerPockets, we often encourage newer investors to sit down with an experienced real estate investor to “pick their brain” and soak up their wisdom. Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast, we want to do just that...
Great real estate deals can be hard to find in a competitive market. So how do some investors manage to find multiple deals every month? That’s the focus of today’s show, where we sit down with active real estate entr...
Is a six-figure salary enough to achieve FIRE? If you’re working towards financial independence, you know that any extra money at the end of the month can help propel you to your goals faster, but with inflation eatin...
Does finding and closing 15 deals a month sound desirable to you? Today’s guest shares exactly how his team does just that! Returning guest Nathan Brooks shares how he’s built a turnkey business that consistently find...
Investing outside of your local market can strike fear into the hearts of even the most savvy real estate investor. But long-distance investing doesn’t need to be extra risky! In fact, today’s guest argues that it mig...
Every day, our lives are consumed by things that simply don’t amount to much. In fact, most of your successes will come from a very small percentage of your activities. That’s the basic concept of the 80/20 rule, and ...
Would getting more deals through your network help your real estate business? Today’s guest specializes in just that! Brandon and David sit down with Travis Chappell, host of the “Build Your Network” podcast, and dive...
Do you want extra cash flow? Higher appreciation? More bookings? A few high-ROI renovations or new amenities could pay off in a HUGE way. But which projects will give you the best bang for your buck? Stay tuned becaus...