The key to financial freedom? Work as a pizza delivery driver! Not only will you learn how to handle high-pressure situations, but you might also find your next property on a regular pizza run! At least that’s what Pa...
Your real estate cash flow is suffering. Rent growth is slowing, mortgage rates are rising, and property prices are staying put. So where can you find more room to profit with your rental property? The answer is mediu...
Want to make over a million dollars a year? Real estate may be the best way to get there. Just follow the same steps Dean Rogers took. In just a decade, Dean went from making $65,000 per year to over a million dollars...
Anyone can buy a house. However, it takes a special kind of business (and business owner) to buy dozens of deals every year. That’s the story on today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, when we sit down with Nath...
Significant other not sharing your enthusiasm for real estate? Maybe you have dreams of buying your first property or going full-time with a real estate business, but your partner isn’t on board. You’re not alone! The...
A rental property portfolio can replace your job, give you ultimate financial freedom, and allow you to do what you want when you want. But building this massive passive income stream takes time, and if you stick with...
Awesome show alert! Today’s guest is so full of information you will be blown away.Aaron Amuchastegui sits down with Brandon and David and explains how he buys 20 deals a month while practicing principles of the four-...
If there is one thing you can know for sure by listening to the BiggerPockets Podcast, it’s this: There are a LOT of ways to invest in real estate! That’s why we’re excited to bring you today’s interview with Noah Kag...
Are you struggling with finding deals in today’s market, where the best properties go fast? On today’s show, we interview Neal Collins, an investor in the red hot Portland Oregon who has figured out a way to find deal...
On today’s episode of The BiggerPockets Podcast, we’re pumped to introduce you to Damion Lupo, an experienced real estate investor and hard money lender who has seen it all in real estate—both the good and bad! You’ll...