Student loan debt can easily get in the way of financial independence, especially if there’s a high interest rate attached to your loans. But should you pay down this debt at the expense of investing for the future? T...
A lot of investors love to talk about the good times. But for life-long real estate investors, failure is often inevitable, especially during real estate crashes. That’s why we’re excited to bring you this discussion ...
If Lindsey Duguet can reach financial freedom, you can too. She was hundreds of thousands in debt from student loans, trying to raise a family with almost zero free time, working eighty-hour weeks, and failing to find...
Do you dream of stepping back from the day to day and working on your business rather than in it? Of course you do!
AJ Osborne has achieved that goal—and having experienced a harrowing health emergency that incapac...
Just a short while back, Marisa Mae was caught in the paycheck-to-paycheck trap, her credit cards stretched to their limits with no emergency savings to speak of, all while wrestling with constant financial stress. To...
What if, within ten years, you could reach financial freedom? Imagine it. You may have a high-stress job where you’re working long hours and making good money but feeling burnout creeping in. You NEED an exit strategy...
You probably know Brandon Turner and David Greene as multimillionaire real estate investors. What you may not know, is that a decade ago this was a very different story. Brandon didn’t grow up in a wealthy family, and...
If you follow these nine steps, you will reach financial independence. How do we know? Well, The Money Guy Show’s Brian Preston and Bo Hanson have tested it hundreds of times! Using this simple but extremely powerful ...
Is frugality overrated? Is hustle culture a waste of time? Do we over-save for retirement? You don’t have to look very far to find a hot take online, but is there some truth to these opinions? Today, we’ll wade throug...
You can make money in real estate—with or without owning rentals! How? There’s a growing segment of the industry that rookies NEED to know about. It’s more lucrative than long-term rentals, more consistent than short-...