11 April, 2024
HSA vs. FSA and When to Drain Your Emergency Fund to Pay Off Deb
Want to know how to avoid capital gains on your next home sale? If you tune in, you may dodge a quarter-of-a-million-dollar bullet (or more!). What about investing in one of the most tax-advantaged accounts that almos...
1 April, 2021
BiggerPockets Podcast 456: 126 Multi-Family Units On a Military Salary with Erika Sleger
Anything over 100 units tends to scare many investors, especially rookie investors. How do you even get to 100 units when it’s already challenging enough to get one? That answer is simple: stack them slowly over time....
26 December, 2023
The Late Starter’s Guide to Financial Independence (Even in Your 50s!) | ENCORE EPISODE
Ho ho ho! We hope you had a holly, jolly, frugal, and festive holiday season. With the BiggerPockets elves off tinkering to make even greater shows for next year, we bring you one of our FAVORITE episodes for an encor...