If a potential tenant approaches you about Airbnb rental arbitrage, you may wonder if there’s a catch. Are you responsible for damages? What if you encounter a noisy guest? As a landlord, there are all kinds of pros a...
What’s your financial independence number (FI/FIRE number)? Are you being too conservative, or are you cutting things close? Do you even have one? Today, we’re taking a deep dive into this hotly debated topic to help ...
Want to step out of your business and finally gain the freedom to think more strategically? Let Jefferson Lilly show you how!
Jefferson is a mobile home park investor, who went from sleeping on an air mattress on-s...
Imagine building a business around work you’d do for free. Sound pretty great?Today’s guest has done just that, and her story may change the way you think about investing. Brittany Arnason is a 26-year-old who’s conve...
Has the Airbnb market become TOO saturated? It might not matter if you can rise above the competition and make your property stand out like Katie Cline did. Thanks to luxury amenities, personalized touches, and an unf...
With her retirement dreams on the line, Jill Forsythe had a few choices: return to work, start a business, or get into real estate investing. After trying out more “active income” business ideas and realizing she didn...
Nasar El-Arabi is a self-proclaimed “failure” when it comes to being employed. He wasn’t cut out for the banking industry, the call center, or the classroom. Some people aren’t meant to be employed, and Nasar was one ...
Do you dream of becoming a full-time real estate investor? Having the financial stability to leave your W2 job might seem like an eternity away, but if you start investing now, it doesn’t have to take as long as you t...
Why do so many in early retirement struggle with happiness? We know you’ve told yourself, “Once I hit FIRE, I’ll be living the dream! Every day will be like a vacation.” This is what Mindy was telling herself for year...
Buy real estate or face your dollar’s demise. While this may sound like doomsday prophesying or over-bullish investor attitudes towards properties, the fact is that most investors today won’t make it. With inflation r...