Personal finance doesn’t have to be complicated. Saving, investing, and retiring early shouldn’t be a stumbling path to wealth, but many Americans feel this way. So, to clear up some of the money misconceptions, we’re...
Calling all couples! You and your partner may be on the same page financially or off in two different directions; regardless of where you’re at, it’s a great time to start having money dates!
In this episode, Mindy...
Significant other not sharing your enthusiasm for real estate? Maybe you have dreams of buying your first property or going full-time with a real estate business, but your partner isn’t on board. You’re not alone! The...
“How do I get my spouse/partner on board with my real estate investing goals?”
It’s the perfect time of year to think through exactly how to do that, and we have the perfect guests to offer some advice.
Jay and ...
As a new investor, a strong real estate team is crucial to your success—especially when you’re looking to land your first deal, complete your first rehab project, or invest out-of-state. In today’s episode, we’ll show...
One of the most impactful moments for most real estate investors is meeting a “mentor,” someone older and wiser who can share with them the lessons they’ve learned. That’s exactly what today’s episode of The BiggerPoc...
When does one plus one equal WAY more than two? Real estate partnerships! On this episode of The BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down with two real estate investors (Jay Helms and Tim Kelly) who were attempting to build...
Everybody is busy. We have jobs, kids, businesses, and responsibilities to take care of. Why go out of your way and risk your money and time to invest in real estate? Mike Webb, firefighter, investor, flipper, and who...
Want a PRACTICAL guide to making six figures in real estate? What about a way to do it in a year or less? That’s precisely what Keith Everett did, trading his sixteen-dollar-an-hour factory job for the potential to ma...
Where will the housing market be by 2025? We’ve got some of the top 2024 housing market predictions to share today as we run through what could happen with home prices, mortgage rates, inflation, unemployment, and how...