Real estate investing may not see an opportunity like this for years. We’re in one of the wildest economic periods: mortgage rates are high, inflation has cooled, stock prices are hitting records, and the housing supp...
Real estate is a people business. You could buy several rental properties, but without the right people in the right roles, you’re going to be swimming upstream. Today’s guest has dedicated many years of study to this...
Mortgage rates are set to fall this year and well into 2025, all while housing inventory steadily increases. We’re in the best housing inventory position since before the pandemic, so the question is: what happens nex...
A decade ago, Chandler David Smith was a broke college student. After searching for jobs, he was given the opportunity to try his hand at door-to-door pest control sales. The first week went slow, and he wasn’t able t...
The housing market is an evolving beast that almost no one can accurately map. With so many investors on opposite sides of the fence when it comes to housing market crashes and corrections, it’s nice to hear the thoug...
Rent's due... or is it?
From quarantines to eviction moratoriums to a plummeting stock market, COVID-19 has upended seemingly everything -- and today we talk through what it all means for real estate investors.
Profitable on-market properties are all around you, you just need to take the time to look. Oh, we hear what you’re saying, “all those on-market properties are bad deals!” While not all properties sitting on the MLS a...
“Want to invest in multifamily real estate, do zero work, and make a million dollars, all in a few months? Well, we have the opportunity for you! We’re about to make you a gazillionaire for the low, low price of your ...
For the past year, commercial real estate has been the disappointing big brother of rental properties. As housing prices went up, commercial real estate prices went down. When primary mortgage rates were high, commerc...
Everyone keeps talking about an incoming surge of home foreclosures. Over the past few years, online crash predictors shouted from the rooftops about how another foreclosure crisis is always on the way, and we’re only...