What does it mean to “win” financially in your income bracket? To us, the end goal is always FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early), and if you’re chasing financial freedom, this is the show for you. We’re breaki...
Redfin just released their highly-anticipated 2025 housing market forecast, and today, we’re reacting to each of their ten crucial housing market predictions. We’re touching on the exact numbers you want to hear about...
BiggerPockets Podcast 277: Building a Six-Figure Family Real Estate Business with Ashley Wilson
by The BiggerPockets Podcast | BiggerPockets.com
Show 277 image
Many families can’t even enjoy a holiday meal...
Every landlord has some wild tenant stories. We’re sharing the ones you probably won’t believe in this episode. And we’re not just talking about a bad eviction or an upstairs neighbor blasting loud music. Instead, we’...
HGTV’s Heather and Tarek El Moussa have built an empire that any entrepreneur would be jealous of. They’ve collectively flipped over a thousand homes, started syndications with tens of millions of dollars invested, ha...
Without asset protection, your wealth is as good as gone. One slip and fall from a tenant, one angry ex-spouse, one jealous onlooker, and you could have your real estate relinquished and your bank accounts drained. An...
If you want to make money online in 2024, good news: it’s easier than ever! Just ask today’s guest, who had to bootstrap his online business before you could launch a business with little to no startup costs. If you h...
Real estate investing is great…sometimes. Other times, it’s NOT fun to be a real estate investor. While the pros, like financial freedom, generational wealth, and passive income definitely outweigh the cons, there are...
You want to invest in real estate, but you don’t have the money. Are you out of luck? Good news—money is NOT a dealbreaker. There are several levers you can pull to get the capital you need, and today’s guest is going...
Cash flow is arguably the most important metric in real estate investing…that is if you’re talking to novice investors. Expert investors, like David Greene, know that cash flow is but one of many factors to consider w...