Where will the housing market be by 2025? We’ve got some of the top 2024 housing market predictions to share today as we run through what could happen with home prices, mortgage rates, inflation, unemployment, and how...
Wedding costs have been slowly growing over the past few decades. But recently, after a wild 2020, 2021, and 2022 wedding season, the average wedding cost has hit heights that most Americans simply can’t afford. But w...
We like to think that we have a lot of winners on the BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast, whether they are in real estate or not. We may have one of the biggest winners on today's show. Tim Grover, trainer to Michael J...
What does it take to truly find success in real estate -- especially when you make an average salary and live in an expensive city? That’s the topic of today’s show, where we sit down with David Greene, a full-time po...
On today's episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down and chat with a real estate investor who is a successful wholesaler and rehabber out of the Grand Rapids, Michigan area.
Brandon Krieg shares his insigh...
Has BiggerPockets Money become too focused on FIRE (financial independence, retire early)? For the past seven years, we’ve been bringing you shows highlighting the journeys of those who left their jobs to enjoy early ...
Discounted real estate deals could be coming THIS winter as the housing market begins to “thaw.” Today, Dave is flying solo, bringing you a housing market update on all the crucial factors real estate investors are lo...
Bad tenants? Funding hiccups? Scaling too fast? These are just some of the problems real estate investors have to deal with every day. What’s the prize for all this work? Financial freedom, personal fulfillment, and t...
Finding, screening, and placing new tenants for your rental property is not only difficult—it’s expensive! Want to attract the best tenants in town and ensure that they stick around for the long haul? You won’t want t...
Is paying off debt or investing (and potentially using more debt) the best way to reach FIRE? The average American has $104,215 in mortgages, student loans, credit cards, and other debt. Where do YOU stand? If the end...