Student loan debt can easily get in the way of financial independence, especially if there’s a high interest rate attached to your loans. But should you pay down this debt at the expense of investing for the future? T...
Should you sell your house or keep it as a rental property in 2024? What you do with your home today could create a million-dollar swing in your portfolio ten, twenty, or thirty years from now. Fortunately, we’ve deve...
Covering your entire mortgage payment in ONE day?! Today’s guest is proof that you don’t need a full-blown real estate portfolio to start making money. She has only ever owned one property, her primary residence, but ...
Lamon Woods used an ingenious rental property strategy to go from one house to over one hundred rentals in a small market without using almost any cash. This strategy is so brilliant that most real estate investors as...
Do you need to be rich to buy a rental property? Arguably, no. In reality, you don’t need a lot of experience, know-how, or cash on hand to buy your first income property. But, you need to at least be resourceful, tak...
If you’re willing to get your hands dirty, new builds and home renovations can deliver a HUGE return on investment (ROI). Just ask today’s guest! After passing up on a deal that became a cash cow for another investor,...
Starting a real estate business is one of the best ways to achieve financial freedom, replace your W2 income, and leave your nine-to-five. Why? Because you don’t need a ton of money OR a rental property to get started...
These two college teammates built a sizable real estate portfolio in just three years by using what they call the “delayed BRRRR strategy.” They’ve used this specific real estate investing tactic (and the regular BRRR...
A glamping site might sound like a fun real estate investment idea, but how feasible is it? Does it offer enough cash flow potential as a short-term rental property? How do you get a building permit for a unique struc...
Want to make over a million dollars a year? Real estate may be the best way to get there. Just follow the same steps Dean Rogers took. In just a decade, Dean went from making $65,000 per year to over a million dollars...