Everyone knows how to find a real estate agent. But an investor-friendly agent—one who will find deals for you, run the numbers, hook you up with contractors, and help you get funding—isn’t the same as your neighborho...
Want more cash flow with less stress while running your rental property portfolio? Then you need self-management! Amelia McGee and Grace Gudenkauf, seasoned investors and the minds behind BiggerPockets’ newest book, T...
Want to know how to make millions WITHOUT owning real estate? Rental arbitrage is the strategy for you. And maybe you’ve heard about it before, but we promise you’ve never heard anything like this. Today’s guest is br...
If you want higher rents, more cash flow, and fewer hiccups, you DON’T need to buy more rental properties. You need better systems and processes. By implementing tactics, strategies, and procedures he learned from the...
If you want to grow your real estate portfolio faster, make more money with less headache, and achieve whatever financial dreams you desire, you need one thing—a real estate team. Most people don’t realize that the to...
You have home renovations in the pipeline…but who’s going to manage them? Do you need the expertise of a general contractor, or can you manage tradespeople yourself? With so much at stake, including your budget and ti...
You dream of retiring early, but you’re stuck in the “middle-class trap.” You’ve built up a solid net worth, maybe own a rental property or two, and on paper, you look like you’re on track to make it rich. But in real...
Heather Blankenship has made $10,000,000 alone from just one RV park investment. She got into it with no money and zero experience. While pregnant with her first child, Heather answered the phones, paid the bills, lai...
Want financial freedom through real estate? Then, you’ll need to know how to buy a rental property. Don’t worry; even as a beginner, you can take three basic steps to buy your first rental property and start building ...
If you know how to create multiple streams of income, you can build wealth FAST. Thankfully, real estate has dozens (if not hundreds) of ways to make money, and there’s a good chance that what you’re doing right now i...