Todd retired early at age forty-four, just three years after discovering the FIRE movement. The most interesting part? He quit without reaching his FIRE number. That’s right. After realizing he couldn’t go one more da...
You DON’T need to scale your real estate portfolio to start building wealth. Whether you own a single rental property or one hundred doors, the size of your portfolio isn’t as crucial as your ability to manage it. Tod...
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Passive investing is most people’s goal, especially if they’re trying to achieve FIRE. They don’t want to be weighed down by managing a ...
Is frugality overrated? Is hustle culture a waste of time? Do we over-save for retirement? You don’t have to look very far to find a hot take online, but is there some truth to these opinions? Today, we’ll wade throug...
There’s a “middle-class trap” that can keep anyone from FIRE—yes, even high-income earners. Today’s guest has a sizable nest egg that should allow her to retire early, but there are a few roadblocks in her way!
At ...
Home renovations can substantially increase your equity and cash flow on a rental property, but when doing one, there are two key things you need to pay attention to: budgets and timelines. Today, rookie real estate i...
What do you need to know about the 2025 real estate market before you buy your first (or next) investment property? Dave Meyer, host of the BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast and one of the industry’s most respected an...
How has Scott achieved so much financial success already in his early 30s? He’s got a secret weapon nobody else has: Virginia Trench! That’s right, the woman behind half of the puns you hear on this podcast is coming ...
Huge cash flow after selling most of your real estate portfolio!? Many rookies assume that having more doors equates to more profit, but that’s not always the case. The truth is, if you start identifying the best inve...
We like to think that we have a lot of winners on the BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast, whether they are in real estate or not. We may have one of the biggest winners on today's show. Tim Grover, trainer to Michael J...