Are we in a recession? Are we headed for a recession? No one knows for certain, but you can never be too prepared for an economic downturn. Are you saving money? Do you have a plan in the event you lose your job? In t...
You did it; you achieved FIRE! After over a decade of hard work, you’ve reached financial independence and can retire early. You’re making more money than you spend from passive income, work-optional, and life is good...
This rookie investor decided that instead of purchasing her own home, she’d buy rental properties in other areas, helping offset her high cost of living. Within just around a year, Mary Ho has bought a run-down proper...
Why does this veteran real estate investor say that early retirement and financial freedom are a bad idea? Why does he think renting, NOT buying a house, makes more sense for most Americans in 2025? And what’s the one...
Buy real estate or face your dollar’s demise. While this may sound like doomsday prophesying or over-bullish investor attitudes towards properties, the fact is that most investors today won’t make it. With inflation r...
Your real estate cash flow is suffering. Rent growth is slowing, mortgage rates are rising, and property prices are staying put. So where can you find more room to profit with your rental property? The answer is mediu...
If you dream of becoming a successful real estate investor, there are three “pillars” of wealth you must build in your own life. What are these keys to financial freedom? Well, fortunately, today’s guest has written a...
The 2023 housing market may be the “toughest real estate market” we’ve ever experienced. But, after this episode, we bet your home offer will get accepted, even during a wild seller’s market, even if you’re not offeri...
Want to reach FIRE long before you’re sixty-five? If you make a decent income, invest diligently, and watch your spending, you STILL could fall into the “trap” most FIRE-chasers find themselves in. By making one BIG m...
Do NOT buy rental properties. There’s a MUCH better way to build wealth. And we mean that literally, “building” wealth is the best path. At just twenty-seven years old, today's guest has built twenty-five homes, often...