What if, within ten years, you could reach financial freedom? Imagine it. You may have a high-stress job where you’re working long hours and making good money but feeling burnout creeping in. You NEED an exit strategy...
Are you beating the average American in personal finances? Today, we’re sharing the average net worth by age to see where exactly you stack up. Whether you’re in your twenties, thirties, forties, or fifties, we have t...
Should you keep, refinance, or sell your rental property? If you’re sitting on a low mortgage rate and plenty of equity, you’ve probably asked yourself this once or twice within the past year. Most people who bought a...
Do you want to know how to save $1,000 a month (or more!) with simple spending and saving tweaks? Today, we’re giving you the BEST money hacks for 2025 from the expert, Chris Hutchins of All the Hacks! Some of these s...
Small multifamily investing might seem scary to a new investor, but what if we told you these properties are less risky than single-family homes and even easier to buy in many cases? In this episode, we’ll bust the mo...
Managing rental properties doesn’t have to be hard. You can do it without the midnight tenant phone calls, “lost” rent checks, and other common landlord headaches. Looking to buy your first or next rental property? To...
One of the best ways to “live for free” is a strategy almost every successful real estate investor uses at some point in their journey: house hacking. You’ve probably heard of it before—house hacking allows you to sig...
How do you get higher rents, more appreciation, and bigger returns from real estate investing in 2025? It’s easy—copy the experts. They’re doing it over dozens of deals, so why not apply their same tactics to your pro...
Most people invest in real estate for cash flow or appreciation, but there are enormous tax benefits as well. In this episode, we’re going to share the number one tax strategy you need to know about—the short-term ren...
Analysis paralysis is always lurking. Even the most experienced investors feel it before they pull the trigger on a new deal, business, or strategy. It’s not to say that careful consideration of an investment isn’t a ...