Laura Sides had zero real estate investing experience not too long ago. But, within just six weeks, she made $100,000 on her first real estate deal. How is that even possible? That type of profit is usually reserved f...
Buying a house, maxing out your 401(k), and leveraging real estate can help you achieve financial independence. But suppose your goal is to retire early. Could relying too heavily on these principles actually delay ea...
Want to learn the secret to snagging rentals below market value? Every successful investor has this one crucial skill, and it’s often the difference between getting the door shut in your face and coming away with a di...
Have you ever considered flipping houses for cash but aren’t sure where to start? If so, today’s episode is perfect for you! Brandon and David interview Steven Pesavento, a long distance flipper who’s doing 75 deals a...
Terrified of running out of money in retirement? Countless people share the same fear. With so much recent discourse surrounding inflation and a looming recession, you may have a tighter grip on your money than usual....
“Get rich slowly” is a concept that most people in the FIRE community can get behind. “Time off,” on the other hand, seems to go against the idea of grinding to financial independence now and waiting until later in li...
A small real estate portfolio that replaces your entire W2 income!? Many rookies assume that becoming a full-time investor is only possible after amassing a large portfolio with dozens of properties, but that’s not th...
Want to grab the best real estate deals before the rest? The properties with motivated sellers, high-profit potential, equity upside, and BIG cash flow—the real estate deals that every investor dreams about getting. W...
The FIRE community is notorious for chasing early retirement at all costs. Many search for creative ways to earn more money and spend less of it, only to end up hating the journey. If you’ve ever felt burnt out or dis...
Getting into real estate development with low money down!? Many rookies assume that you need more money to develop, but there are a variety of ways to fund these projects. It all depends on how creative you’re willing...