Many real estate syndications are facing absolute failure in 2023. But, even if you aren’t investing in any, this could be a learning experience like no other to help you build your wealth in the future. If you’ve nev...
Want to escape the rat race? To do so, you’ll need some serious investments. And if you want bigger and better cash flow or appreciation, commercial real estate is the place to start. But how do you find these bigger ...
Everyone knows how to find a real estate agent. But an investor-friendly agent—one who will find deals for you, run the numbers, hook you up with contractors, and help you get funding—isn’t the same as your neighborho...
Once the housing market started to slide in 2007, smart investors began buying, and waiting, for rock-bottom prices to kick in. Investors were buying homes in some of the best markets for dimes on the dollar, and have...
Want to invest in real estate but feel like you don’t have everything it takes? You know you need money for a down payment, skills to manage tenants/perform renovations, and time to find the deals in the first place. ...
One of the biggest issues that most investors face is the issue of investing while holding a full time job. In today's episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down with real estate investor James Vermillion to di...
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast, we are excited to bring back Brie Schmidt, a real estate investor from the Chicago market who has absolutely DOMINATED her goals over the past twelve months. Last time we talked wit...
You want to grow your real estate side hustle, but your W2 is taking up too much of your time. How do you invest in real estate when you’re stuck at the office or behind a desk from nine to five? We’re about to give y...
Tom Brady is the GOAT (greatest of all time). But that makes his performance coach, Greg Harden, the GCOAT (greatest coach of all time). Greg has been coaching elite athletes like Tom Brady, Michael Phelps, and Desmon...
Real estate is sexy… most of the time. But is that really what makes it profitable? On today’s show, we sit down with Charles Roberts, an investor and agent from the Denver market. He explains that the secret to succe...