Private money is a “secret weapon” for real estate investing, allowing you to dodge the major banks and fund real estate deals on your terms. But just how easy is it to get this type of funding? The answer might surpr...
Harnessing the power of data gives you an enormous advantage in your real estate investing journey, allowing you to discover up-and-coming markets or find deals that are flying under the radar. While crunching the num...
Todd retired early at age forty-four, just three years after discovering the FIRE movement. The most interesting part? He quit without reaching his FIRE number. That’s right. After realizing he couldn’t go one more da...
With her retirement dreams on the line, Jill Forsythe had a few choices: return to work, start a business, or get into real estate investing. After trying out more “active income” business ideas and realizing she didn...
There’s a “middle-class trap” that can keep anyone from FIRE—yes, even high-income earners. Today’s guest has a sizable nest egg that should allow her to retire early, but there are a few roadblocks in her way!
At ...
Want to go full-time into real estate investing? In only a few short years, you’ll be able to make millions of dollars, own a mansion on the beach, and ride your gold-plated jet ski into the sunset without ever having...
[NOTE: Since this episode was recorded, some events have changed. We have updated the intro to the episode and the lead-in to our conversation with Jeff Watson to reflect those developments]
Inflation is big, scary...
You can build a multifamily real estate portfolio without a ton of money, risk, or time. Cody Davis and Christian Osgood built their multimillion-dollar rental property portfolio in a matter of years, using strategies...
The FIRE community is notorious for chasing early retirement at all costs. Many search for creative ways to earn more money and spend less of it, only to end up hating the journey. If you’ve ever felt burnt out or dis...
When people hear the term “passive income,” their minds usually flash to real estate investing. But, taking on real estate debt may not be the best option for you—especially if you have a high-risk financial portfolio...