Today we’re swerving a bit from tradition to bring you a guest who is not a real estate investor. Jeff Thorman spent years as a general contractor, built his own company, then started his own YouTube channel, HomeReno...
Some investors get started slowly - a deal here, a deal there. But for Arianne Lemire, going slow was not an option. Arianne began investing just a year and a half ago but has already done fifteen deals, with more com...
Real estate is a people business. You could buy several rental properties, but without the right people in the right roles, you’re going to be swimming upstream. Today’s guest has dedicated many years of study to this...
Marching along Bourbon Street last week was a parade with some of the best real estate investors in the world, celebrating another successful BPCon, ready to take on the world. Throughout the past week, attendees of t...
Many people struggle with money anxiety, even those in the FIRE community. Your money fears could keep you on the sidelines, or it could have the opposite effect, making you ultra-conservative with your retirement sav...
It often seems like the most successful people are the ones who take the most risks. There’s no surprise that at one point, billionaire entrepreneurs were given the choice to either stay where they stood or leap for s...
With solid tax planning, receiving an inheritance could provide an enormous boost on your journey to financial freedom. One misstep, on the other hand, and you could be lining Uncle Sam’s pockets. Fortunately, we’ve b...
No one likes paying taxes, so let’s talk about how you can pay FAR less to the IRS! On today’s show, we sit down with real estate investor and CPA Amanda Han, the author of the brand new book The Book on Tax Strategie...
Want to pay less money to the IRS in 2024? We’ve got the real estate tax strategies to help you do just that. And get this—you don’t need a large real estate portfolio to benefit from these money-saving tax tips!
There’s a new three-peat on the BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast, and no, it’s not Michael Jordan. Danny Johnson, the founder of Forefront CRM, is back with us on today’s episode to talk about the five F-words of rea...