Financing rental properties is a common roadblock that prevents many rookies from investing in real estate, but finding a great lender doesn’t have to be difficult! We’ve got some timely tips, tricks, and tools that w...
Harnessing the power of data gives you an enormous advantage in your real estate investing journey, allowing you to discover up-and-coming markets or find deals that are flying under the radar. While crunching the num...
Most investors buy rental properties for cash flow, and the fear of losing money keeps many rookies on the sidelines. How can you be certain that you’re going to make a profit before you buy? Today, Ashley and Tony wi...
Every real estate deal is hard work, whether your investing strategy is house flipping, buy and hold, or even wholesaling. If your goal is to not only get a great deal under contract but also make money after closing,...
How hard is it to buy a rental property in 2024? With all the buzz around high interest rates and soaring home prices, you’d think that investing in today’s market is a lost cause. But if a nineteen-year-old can take ...
Want to build your rental portfolio FAST? Today, we’re teaching you how to buy multiple rental properties per year, the best tips to raise rents while keeping tenant turnover low, and what to know before you start buy...
Is frugality overrated? Is hustle culture a waste of time? Do we over-save for retirement? You don’t have to look very far to find a hot take online, but is there some truth to these opinions? Today, we’ll wade throug...
Do you want to buy a rental property in 2025 but fear money could get in the way? Putting 15%-20% down is a huge hurdle for new investors, but there are several strategies you can use to limit your expenses, grow your...
Burned out at your W2 job? Tired of climbing the corporate ladder? Starting a real estate business could give you financial freedom, but is it worth giving up the security of a biweekly paycheck? This entrepreneur thi...
Dave said he’d never flip a house. He doesn’t have the handyman skills; he doesn’t like managing contractors, and he can’t design a floor plan. So why now, coming into 2025, has he decided to flip his first house? It’...