Should you pay off debt or invest? Many online financial gurus would tell you in a heartbeat that paying off debt is the number one priority…but is that always true? What if there was a way to pay off debt WHILE inves...
Want to be a millionaire or build a business that brings in seven figures? Want generational wealth and to be debt-free? Want to know that you have enough money to take big risks while still keeping your bank account ...
It seems like young real estate investors get more and more impressive every week. Today we talk with Cole Ruud-Johnson, a wholesaler and flipper out of the Seattle area. The impressive part? He’s 22 years old and has...
When is enough enough? When is it time to STOP investing in real estate? When you have a hundred units or a thousand? When can you step back and let the hard work and grind pay off so you can spend more time with your...
Today, Brandon Turner’s on the other side of the microphone.
J and Carol Scott, co-hosts of the BiggerPockets Business Podcast, recently interviewed him… and the result was so epic we wanted to share it here, too!