Do you have a cash flow problem? Maybe property management fees are setting you back, or you’re spending too much on repairs and maintenance. Today, we’re bringing you a powerful solution that will not only solve your...
t the age of twenty-seven, this “rookie” has already completed over 100 real estate deals. The key to her success? She’s been in real estate since she was just seventeen years old. Seriously! By starting early and tak...
Alex Preziosi wants to reach financial independence by the age of forty-five, and with several hundred thousand dollars in retirement accounts, brokerage accounts, and savings, she’s on pace to do just that. But now, ...
You can make money in real estate—with or without owning rentals! How? There’s a growing segment of the industry that rookies NEED to know about. It’s more lucrative than long-term rentals, more consistent than short-...
Want to build a thriving real estate business in 2025? There’s a major mindset shift you need to make if you want to be successful in today’s market. Whether you want a couple of cash-flowing rental properties or drea...
What do you need to know about the 2025 real estate market before you buy your first (or next) investment property? Dave Meyer, host of the BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast and one of the industry’s most respected an...
A 36% return on your FIRST rental property? In today’s housing market? That sounds almost impossible. With more and more inventors struggling to find a cent of cash flow and home prices still so high, how does a real ...
Think you've got a bad real estate deal? We doubt it comes even close to what we’re about to share. Today, the experts are in to talk about bee-infested rental properties, risky flips, “wholetail” failures, and other ...
It takes a long, long time to become successful in real estate and financially free — doesn’t it? Well, not according to the power couple on today’s show! In this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down with...
Trying to build a real estate empire while working a full-time job can be tough, which is why many people decide to use a partner to maximize their results. That’s the story on today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Pod...