Home renovations can substantially increase your equity and cash flow on a rental property, but when doing one, there are two key things you need to pay attention to: budgets and timelines. Today, rookie real estate i...
Are you building wealth but feel like you can never enjoy it? Do you struggle with money, fearing you carry the same poor financial habits as your parents? Whether you’ve got a lot of money or a little, many of us fac...
Can you afford your “dream house” right now? The one with the pool and the ocean views, space for the kids to run around, and a huge pantry. The secret nobody will tell you: you CAN afford your dream house right now—o...
Want to know how to use your home equity to buy your next rental? You could be sitting on tens of thousands in potential funds that’ll make saving for the down payment MUCH easier. But first, you’ll need to know how m...
Want to pay ZERO taxes next year? If you own real estate or are building a portfolio, there’s a good chance that you can legally keep your profits away from Uncle Sam. But you’ll need one thing before you can do so. O...
Is your market worth buying in? With the economy on shaky footing, now ISN’T the time to guess. And once you find your investing area, how do you ensure your rental property will profit? Even in 2023, when cash flow i...
You can build a multifamily real estate portfolio without a ton of money, risk, or time. Cody Davis and Christian Osgood built their multimillion-dollar rental property portfolio in a matter of years, using strategies...
Codie Sanchez doesn’t believe in passive income but still makes millions of dollars a year with businesses that don’t require her input. To her, building businesses isn’t the “set it and forget it” dream that most inv...
Real estate investing isn’t what it used to be. Back in 2010, in a post-crash housing market, almost any property in any area could cash flow easily. Back then, the question wasn’t “Where are the deals?” It was “Which...
Jason Lee owns more rental properties than most full-time real estate investors. But, he didn’t do this by investing after the last housing crash, inheriting millions from his parents, or buying a hundred-unit apartme...