Snowballing a $20,000 investment into eleven rental properties…in under four years?! Most investors are happy to add ONE property to their real estate portfolio every year or so, but this rookie wants to get a head st...
Cash flow is hard to find in 2024, but these real estate markets have plenty of it. Since so many previously “cash-flowing” markets have seen rising prices, higher expenses, and limited housing inventory, we went back...
Want to know how to flip a house in 2024? We brought on a rookie with a real-life deal to walk through every beginner step of flipping houses so you can go out and make money, too! We know Rene Hosman as our community...
Is frugality overrated? Is hustle culture a waste of time? Do we over-save for retirement? You don’t have to look very far to find a hot take online, but is there some truth to these opinions? Today, we’ll wade throug...
Want to invest in real estate in 2025? Then this is the show to listen to. We’ve had some phenomenal guests on the show this past year. This time, we rounded up our favorite tips from them, ranging from starting with ...
Are you building wealth but feel like you can never enjoy it? Do you struggle with money, fearing you carry the same poor financial habits as your parents? Whether you’ve got a lot of money or a little, many of us fac...
Laura Sides had zero real estate investing experience not too long ago. But, within just six weeks, she made $100,000 on her first real estate deal. How is that even possible? That type of profit is usually reserved f...
Does the four-percent rule actually work? On paper, yes. So why don’t more people put it to the test? Today’s guest retired at forty-seven years old and is living proof that the math really does check out. Stay tuned ...
Early retirement is possible for almost anyone, no matter where you start or how much you make. If you can sacrifice and save more than you spend, there’s a good chance you could retire years or even decades earlier t...
Want financial freedom? We’re not talking about buying yachts, private planes, or million-dollar sports cars. We mean REAL financial freedom. The freedom that lets you work where you want, when you want, and spend tim...