With the right rental properties, you could not only bring in thousands of dollars in cash flow each month but also build long-term wealth. Just ask today’s guest! Despite her fulfilling career, she came to the realiz...
You hear us talk a lot about buying real estate, but what real estate deals are WE doing in 2024? Today, we’re pulling back the curtain on our portfolios, walking you through actual deals we’re doing, how much they co...
It’s here—THE book on BRRRR! And who better to write it than the leading authority on this strategy: our co-host David Greene.In this episode, he breaks down exactly how to “Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, and Repeat” yo...
Want to know how to make $100 a day in 2025, all while working from home? We brought the queen of side hustles, Jackie Mitchell, back on the show to share how her money-making journey has been going. Jackie set a goal...
The best side hustles can put some extra cash in your pocket, help you leave your W2 job, or even launch you toward FIRE. If you’re looking to make money in ways other than real estate investing, you don’t want to mis...
Want to know how to flip a house in 2024? We brought on a rookie with a real-life deal to walk through every beginner step of flipping houses so you can go out and make money, too! We know Rene Hosman as our community...
Huge cash flow after selling most of your real estate portfolio!? Many rookies assume that having more doors equates to more profit, but that’s not always the case. The truth is, if you start identifying the best inve...
You could be missing out on the chance to earn passive income from your home (and other rentals!) with a “no-brainer” money move. This investing strategy is picking up steam and could become one of the big trends in r...
Should you move to reach FIRE? And if so, where to? In this episode, we’re pulling back the curtain and revealing the best places to retire in the US in 2024. Living in one of these states could help fast-track financ...
Alan Corey has had an interesting career to say the least. He’s been an IT worker, a comedian, an author, a real estate investor, and even a reality TV star. Alan has always been fascinated with making passive income ...