Just a short while back, Marisa Mae was caught in the paycheck-to-paycheck trap, her credit cards stretched to their limits with no emergency savings to speak of, all while wrestling with constant financial stress. To...
Everyone tells you you’ll need millions to retire, let alone retire early. You hear it all over mainstream financial media, “You need FIVE million dollars” or “Three million dollars is enough, but you have to be fruga...
Learn how to become a millionaire with real estate EVEN in 2024. You’re trying to make big wealth-building moves this year, but how do you reach seven figures without any real estate experience? Thankfully, you don’t ...
Are you worried you won’t be able to retire at sixty-five? Feeling financially limited in your fifties and need a retirement plan so you can finally stop working? Well, we made this episode just for you. Today, we’re ...
Imagine making $1,500,000 on one regular real estate deal. We’re not talking about a huge apartment complex or commercial real estate investment. $1,500,000 on a single-family home purchase. How is that even possible?...
This assistant principal slowly and steadily used home equity to invest, helping him acquire seven properties in just over ten years. These properties have now seen sizable appreciation, and he has hundreds of thousan...
Turning a man cave into a “money cave” Airbnb making thousands of extra dollars a month? It doesn’t get more house-hackable than this! Ron Curtis was able to pick up his first home in a pricey area for only a few thou...
On today's episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down and chat with a real estate investor who wasn't seeing a lot of action in his business - until a friend challenged him to take his investing seriously and s...
HGTV’s Heather and Tarek El Moussa have built an empire that any entrepreneur would be jealous of. They’ve collectively flipped over a thousand homes, started syndications with tens of millions of dollars invested, ha...
The 2023 holiday shopping season is here, and you know what that means…gifts, trips, and LOTS of spending. If you love the holiday season but are more into frugal festivities, we have just the episode for you. Whether...