A glamping site might sound like a fun real estate investment idea, but how feasible is it? Does it offer enough cash flow potential as a short-term rental property? How do you get a building permit for a unique struc...
Why are rock stars turning to real estate side hustles to pay their bills? During the lockdowns, many musicians, gig workers, and creatives saw their income streams dwindle. There were no shows to play, no tours to at...
By the time you finish this episode, you’ll be ten thousand dollars richer. Just read this testimonial from a recent BiggerPockets Money listener, “I’m so rich now, I have no idea what to spend all my money on. And al...
Do you dream of building a real estate empire and reaching financial independence but stop short due to the “tenants and toilets” problem? The irony wasn't lost on twenty-nine-year-old Dillon Leonard when a renter acc...
After a strong case of “mommy guilt” working as an assistant principal, pregnant with her second child, Deba Douglas knew she needed a way out of the rat race. A run-in with Rich Dad Poor Dad prompted her to begin sav...
Retirement is always some far-off goal. When you’re older and much more wealthy, you can live the golden years of your life without a care in the world. The problem? None of us know how much time we have left, how hea...
Will the new jobs report finally prompt the Fed to cut rates, leading to you scoring a lower mortgage rate? With multifamily rents still falling, should we fear a nosediving rent trend in the near future? And why are ...
This assistant principal slowly and steadily used home equity to invest, helping him acquire seven properties in just over ten years. These properties have now seen sizable appreciation, and he has hundreds of thousan...
Robert Kiyosaki is arguably the most influential author in the finance, real estate, and investing space. His book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, has sold over thirty million copies and has been translated into forty different l...